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WriterShelf is a privacy-oriented writing platform. Unleash the power of your voice. It's free!
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The Voice of WriterShelf
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3 mins read

If you’re getting started as a writer and are looking for place to expand, consider WriterShelf.

WriterShelf is a place where you can safely stretch out as a writer, experiment and grow.

Call Yourself Something New

Writing under a pen name means freedom. It unshackles your imagination and enables you to open new doors.

One Pen Name or Many

WriterShelf lets you use a single pen name or a whole cast. Switching between pen names for different pieces is built into WriterShelf's DNA.

A Home for Every Pen Name

Every WriterShelf pen name has its own Pen Name Page where readers can discover individual works or books published under that name. Readers also see what makes a pen name special.  Tell your readers the story behind a pen name or be mysterious.

Books and Collections

WriterShelf lets you group pieces into books or collections to present your work the way you want. Add a cover image, chapters, sections and order the contents any way you like. Add new content as you produce more. Hide books until they are ready to publish. Update your books anytime.

Sell Your Work

Sell your books or add a tip jar for donations. Choose the parts of your book that are free and those that are paid. Create discount codes for friends.

Create Premium Content

Add a flag to ask readers to follow your pen name to read your work. Or create a closed group for special readers who need your permission to read and comment.

Carefree Notifications

Your followers automatically receive notifications when you publish new work. WriterShelf lets you know when readers leave comments.

Nurture Yourself with Safety

Your challenges should come from within, not where you express yourself. WriterShelf offers comfort in your surroundings so you can write with confidence.


WriterShelf was created with privacy in mind. Your pen names are only connected to your real-world identity if you want them to be. Each pen name is independent. The world won’t know if you have one or a dozen.

Control in Your Hands. Full Stop.

Keep drafts until they are ready to publish. Edit published pieces and collections anytime and take work down when you want. The control is yours.

WriterShelf gives you the say in how your community grows. Delete comments from articles that you’ve posted. Block commenters who are offensive. Banish trolls.

Glide on Frictionless Tech

WriterShelf facilitates and simplifies publishing rather than throwing up barriers.  It doesn’t get in your way. WriterShelf lets you focus on inspiration and not technical knowledge.

Get Started Fast

There’s no need to design layouts or set up back-end services. WriterShelf is ready-to-use.  It’s also entirely free with no need for outside hosting to post pictures.

Publish Directly to Readers

WriterShelf content is entirely online. There's no need for readers to download intermediary formats to read your work, and your latest updates are available right away. Readers enjoy a comfortable reading experience on big and small screens.

The Power to be Found

WriterShelf uses advanced SEO behind the scenes so search engines find your content. More readers can discover your work. Sharing books, articles or your pen name page to social media accounts is simple.

Open and Forward

There are no restrictions on how much you post or on how much visitors read. New readers can check out your work anytime. Convenient traffic information shows you what people are visiting.

WriterShelf lets you be creative, be safe and ignore the tech. So you have space to be yourself.

Want to learn more? Take a tour and see how WriterShelf works.

Join WriterShelf today.


WriterShelf™ is a unique multiple pen name blogging and forum platform. Protect relationships and your privacy. Take your writing in new directions. ** Join WriterShelf**
WriterShelf™ is an open writing platform. The views, information and opinions in this article are those of the author.

Article info

Published: 2018/04/19 - Updated: 2020/06/15
Total: 600 words

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About the Author

WriterShelf is a privacy-oriented platform that lets you write using pen names.
Everyone has a story to tell. WriterShelf gives you the freedom to be yourself.

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WriterShelf is a privacy-oriented writing platform. Unleash the power of your voice. It's free!
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