WriterShelf in a Minute

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WriterShelf is a privacy-oriented writing platform. Unleash the power of your voice. It's free!
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The Voice of WriterShelf
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1 mins read

OK, it's a list. But we think you'll find much to like.

  • Free to read and publish
  • Simple publishing workflow
  • No login required to read
  • PC and mobile reading friendly
  • Open-genre: fiction, non-fiction, personal development, teaching/learning materials
  • Publish works-in-progress / serialized fiction / newsletters / article collections 
  • Sell webbooks via purchase-to-read or free-to-read with donations
  • WYSIWYG editing / rich media support / on-site photo hosting
  • Drafts and scheduled publishing
  • Anytime editing of published content
  • Author homepage for branding / author intro / social media landing page
  • Publish content as follow-to-read or for closed group readers
  • Comment / new content notifications for authors and followers
  • Article / book / pen name / account traffic metrics
  • Platform-based SEO for author / book / article discovery
  • Discount / free codes for paid books
  • Multiple pen names under single login
  • Authentic conversations (pen name-to-pen name linking)
  • English and Traditional Chinese editions
  • Multi-author model for publishers

We’re working to make WriterShelf a complete and modern platform for writers and readers.

WriterShelf™ is a unique multiple pen name blogging and forum platform. Protect relationships and your privacy. Take your writing in new directions. ** Join WriterShelf**
WriterShelf™ is an open writing platform. The views, information and opinions in this article are those of the author.

Article info

Published: 2020/05/08 - Updated: 2020/11/02
Total: 168 words

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About the Author

WriterShelf is a privacy-oriented platform that lets you write using pen names.
Everyone has a story to tell. WriterShelf gives you the freedom to be yourself.

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WriterShelf is a privacy-oriented writing platform. Unleash the power of your voice. It's free!
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