Being Bilingual
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Published: 2018/02/09 - Updated: 2020/05/28
Total: 228 words
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So many people nowadays are learning new languages the make their resumes look better, to get into a better college, as it is considered extremely "convenient" to have another language learned in their back pocket.
As a person who has grown up surrounded with both mandarin and English, it is extremely hard for me to relate to other people's struggle of trying to learn a new language. I'm told over and over again just how lucky I am to have grown up with two languages, as it gives me such a great advantage in life.
I always asked myself...what advantage? I never saw the importance in knowing two languages fluently, it always just came so naturally. As things such as applications and resume start showing up in my everyday vocabulary, I start to realize just how fortunate I am, and just how much of a head start I have over people.
According to studies, it is more important now than ever to be bilingual, as companies and colleges look to have people with better ability to communicate to a larger audience, therefore the desperate scramble of all the students these days wanting to put "bilingual" on their papers is greater than ever.
Knowing the circumstances and the advantage I have over people by speaking multiple languages, I am as grateful as ever to have learned languages growing up.